Online Safety
Social Media Safety Tips for Parents:
Talk to your kids frequently and ask questions.
Ask to see their profile page.
Be involved and communicate with others.
It’s not an invasion of their privacy if strangers can see it. What is posted online can be viewed by 700 million people online!
Visit Safe2Help for more information.
Social Media Safety Tips for Teens
Protect your passwords.
Make sure you really know who someone is before you allow them onto your friend’s list or follow them. The person on the other end may not be the person they say they are.
Turn off your locaton and make sure your profiles are private. Only share your location with your immediate family.
Don’t post anything your parents, principal or other relatives shouldn't see.
What you post online stays online - forever!!!! So ThinkB4UClick!
Don’t do or say anything online you wouldn’t say offline.
Protect your privacy and your friends’ privacy too...get their okay before posting something about them or their pics online.
Check what your friends are posting/saying about you. Even if you are careful, they may not be and may be putting you at risk.
And, unless you’re prepared to attach your social media profile to your college/job/internship/scholarship or sports team application…don’t post it publicly!
Stop, Block and Tell! (don’t respond to any cyberbullying message, take a picture or screenshot, block the person sending it to you and tell a trusted adult).
R-E-S-P-E-C-T! (use good netiquette and respect the feelings of others in all of your postings).
Keep personal information private (the more information someone has about you, the more easily they can bully you).
Google yourself! (conduct frequent searches for your own personal information online.
Take 5! (walk away from the computer for 5 minutes when something upsets you, so you don’t do something you will later regret).
Balance your personal and social media life.